Friday, January 7, 2011

BMW Z4 x SuperCircuit Extractor

We have installed the BMW E85 Header or Extractor by SuperCircuit to this beautiful machine.

Man at work at SuperCircuit Exhaust Pro Shop....

Stock vs. SuperCircuit catless extractor. Notice the way how the SuperCircuit extractor piping runs? This is how the SuperCircuit extractor makes your car throttle more reponsive due to less restriction hence smother exhaust flow.

View angle that you don't get to see often on a BMW Z4...

Some might ask about the check light problem after removing the cat. No check light issue from installing the SuperCircuit stainless steel extractor.... thank you.


  1. hey how can I purchase those headers for my 2007 bmw z4 3.0i?

  2. hello,

    I was wondering how can I purchase those headers for my 2007 bmw z4 3.0i? I am located in the U.S, in Richmond Virginia

  3. hello,

    I was wondering how can I purchase those headers for my 2007 bmw z4 3.0i? I am located in the U.S, in Richmond Virginia, my email is
